Our Governing Team
Jo Dent |
Chair of Governors (Nov 21- Jul 24) | ||
Chair - Teaching & Learning and Staffing & Welfare Committee | ||
Co-opted Governor | ||
Date of appointment 18.09.19 | ||
Term of Office due to expire 17.09.27
Deb Williams |
Gareth Fielding |
All Committees | Chair - Premises and Finance Committee |
Automatic Appointment | Local Authority Governor |
Date of appointment 01.09.17 | Date of appointment 01.12.14 |
Term of Office due to expire 25.02.27 | |
Kim Edgar |
Jenny Narborough |
Teaching & Learning and Staffing & Welfare Committee | Co-Chair - Teaching & Learning and Staffing & Welfare committee | |
Staff Governor | Parent Governor | |
Date of appointment 24.11.21 | SEN Governor | |
Date of appointment 19.04.23 | |
Term of Office due to expire 18.04.27 |
Awaiting photo |
Katy Hillier |
Rob Crerar |
Teaching & Learning and Staffing & Welfare Committee Premises & Finance Committee |
Curriculum Governor |
Co-opted Governor | Premises & Finance Committee |
EYFS Governor | Parent Governor |
Date of appointment 19.10.21 | Date of appointment 13.09.23 |
Term of Office due to expire 12.07.27 | Term of Office due to expire 12.09.27 |
Awaiting photo
Awaiting photo |
Leanne Peachey |
Thomas Longstaff |
Vice Chair - Teaching & Learning and Staffing & Welfare Committee | Premises & Finance Committee |
English Governor | Date of appointment 25.11.24 |
Parent Governor | Term of Office due to expire 24.11.28 |
Date of appointment 13.09.23 | |
Term of Office due to expire 12.09.27 |
Awaiting photo
Awaiting photo |
Julie-Anne Webber | Stacey Giles |
Parent Governor | Parent Governor |
Premises & Finance Committee | Teaching and Learning & Staffing &Welfare Committee |
Date of appointment 12.02.25 | Date of appointment 12.02.25 |
Term of Office due to expire11.02.29 | Term of Office due to expire11.02.29 |
Awaiting photo
Tara-Lou Price | |
Co-opted Governor | |
Premises & Finance Committee | |
Date of appointment 12.02.25 | |
Term of Office due to expire11.02.29 |
Associate Members
Sally Windmill |
Teaching & Learning and Staffing & Welfare Committee | |
Associate Member | |
Date of appointment 11.12.17 | |
Term of Office due to expire10.12.25 |
Clerk to Governors
Awaiting photo |
Sam Nunn |
- Chair of Governors is appointed by the governing body.
- Staff Governors are appointed by the school staff.
- Parent Governors are appointed by the parent body.
- Local Authority Governors are appointed by the Local Authority.
- Co-Opted Governors and Associate Members are appointed by the Governing Body.
Parent Governors:
- Parent Governors must have a child attending Alexander Hosea Primary at the time of the election.
- Parent Governors serve for four years.
- Parent Governors must serve on at least one committee.
Associate Members:
- Associate Members do not have voting rights.
- Associate Members are appointed for their particular skills or experience.
- Associated Members must serve on at least one committee.
- Associate Members may be invited to attend FGB meetings.
For more information about the Governing Body and its committees please see the Governing Body Structure page.
If you are interested in becoming a Governor please see the Governor Vacancies page.