Friends of Alexander Hosea Primary School
Who are "The Friends"?
The Friends of Alexander Hosea School is a registered charity run by a dedicated group of parents, carers and teachers who work together with the school community to raise much needed additional funds for our school.
What do we do?
We usually arrange a variety of events and activities throughout the year which are not only fun but also help raise funds. We run children-only events such as the Discos and Movie nights, and family events such as our Fun Runs and Fairs, plus adult-only events like our ever popular Quiz Nights.
All our upcoming events are listed on our Forthcoming Events page. We also have a Facebook page which is kept updated with details of events and meetings, so please take a look and ‘like’ our page. Some of our past events include:
Why do we do it?
Over the years the money we raise has helped to purchase a variety of resources for the school or enrichment activities that benefit the children. Below is just a few of the things we have helped to provide. Without our fundraising, none of these would have been possible:
Can you help us?
The Friends rely on the goodwill and generosity of volunteers, both in terms of donations and time, and we could not achieve what we do without their help.
If you are interested in joining the Friends, as a committee member or helper, we would be overjoyed to hear from you! Please talk to a committee member or email
Friends of Alexander Hosea Primary School - Registered Charity Number: 1025562
The Friends of Alexander Hosea Primary School are registered members of the Parentkind Association, who provide our insurance and also support and advice to parents, teachers, schools and PTAs. Please click on their logo for more information about Parentkind and the services they provide.